Public Collections

The work of Nils Burwitz is represented in the following public collections and institutions, among others:

Albertina, Vienna, Austria
Albertinum, Dresden, Germany
Anglican Church, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain
Boston Public Library, Boston USA
Bradford Museums and Art Galleries, Bradford, England
British Museum, London, England
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, USA
Church of Santa Eulalia, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England
Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
Kunstkabinett, Frankfurt, Germany
Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden, Germany
Library of Congress, Washington USA
Monestir de Lluc, Mallorca, Spain
Musée National de Monaco, Monaco
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Palma de Mallorca .. Spain
Museo Centre Documentació Barcelonista,Barcelona, Spain
Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo . Japan
National Portrait Gallery, Washington .. USA
New York Public Library, New York . USA
Royal Carthusian Monastery, Valldemossa, Mallorca . Spain
University of New York State, Buffalo, USA
University of Texas, Austin, USA
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England
National Gallery, Cape Town & 40 other public galleries, South Africa